
Last updated on 09/13/06

Very exciting, dirt is moving for the new hangar. Always wanted to drive a track hoe! P1010001.JPG (165261 bytes)
Not until you stand in the hangar do you realize just how tall 14 foot high walls are. walls started.jpg (89440 bytes)
Future home for N61CY walls started2.jpg (105075 bytes)
Now that the roof is up the rain has stopped. P1010026.JPG (191211 bytes)
The interior will be left as just studs and bare rafters. P1010029.JPG (201206 bytes)
Looking at the hangar as if you where taxing in from a nice flight. P1010031.JPG (190959 bytes)
We have doors. BIG doors. P1010032.JPG (153355 bytes)
Hangar just about complete. Should sign the papers is a few days. I will rent the hangar out unlit I am ready to move in. doors.JPG (193615 bytes)
The hangar was bare stud and open rafters when I bought it. I decided to finish the inside before moving all the parts and tools into the hangar. Most likely the last time the place will be empty. PICT0958.jpg (135278 bytes)
Insulating on a hot sunny day, just doesn't seam right. PICT0971.jpg (133949 bytes)
Insulating and drywall. Not my favorite thing to do. Way to much work! PICT0979.jpg (103236 bytes)
Mud and tape. What a mess. DSCN3113e.jpg (63419 bytes)
Mom swore that she would never do this again.  dscn3114e-1.jpg (32817 bytes)
Hangar complete! I put in a number of lights. Never can have to much lighting. In the center of the ceiling is a down draft heater for those cold nights when the airplane is all apart. PICT1098.jpg (77530 bytes)
First airplane part delivered to the hangar, after 7.5 years!  Yup, that is the nose landing gear door. PICT1101.jpg (112563 bytes)
A few more yellow part have arrived


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